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Dialectics of Liberation: The Strategy of the MPL—Equality in Chile Sociopolitical Struggle

Dialéctica de la liberación: la estrategia de lucha sociopolítica del MPL-Igualdad en Chile


How to Cite
Muñoz Cristi, I. (2021). Dialectics of Liberation: The Strategy of the MPL—Equality in Chile Sociopolitical Struggle. Tabula Rasa, 37, 195-216.

Ignacio Muñoz Cristi

    Ignacio Muñoz Cristi,

    Investigador asociado de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Diego Portales de Chile. Doctor
    en Psicología

    This paper presents some of the results of a sociopolitical struggle strategy without, against and from the State. A part of a broader investigation on the senses and complex self management work processes in the Movement “Pobladores y Pobladoras en Lucha” (MPL) and its political party tool (Igualdad). Drawing from a decolonial analysis of world-systems, a longue-durée historical approach is put forward to situate data within the framework of expansion and contraction processes of self-management within the modernity-coloniality project. The methodology was founded upon a biographical approach with interviews to 12 MPL-Igualdad active members. Findings allow to characterize their sociopolitical strategies for anti-systemic liberation struggle. As a conclusion, their strategies go beyond housing issues and are projected, via a constituent prefiguration of habitat, in a horizon of community and intercommunity self-government based on the construction of popular power.

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