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The Production of Subjectivity in Government Liberal Arts: Market and Freedom in the Society of Security —a Biolopolitical Analysis Based on Michel Foucault’s Thinking

La producción de subjetividad en las artes liberales del gobierno: mercado y libertad en la sociedad de seguridad, un análisis biopolítico desde el pensamiento de Michel Foucault

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The Production of Subjectivity in Government Liberal Arts: Market and Freedom in the Society of Security —a Biolopolitical Analysis Based on Michel Foucault’s Thinking. (2012). Tabula Rasa, 16, 233-242.

Jorge Eliécer Eliécer Martínez P

At the historical moment of the reason of State, police emerges as an apparatus of knowledge, power, body control, and regulating population phenomena. It is a historical move, where police’s main object is not economic production anymore, but biological and social environment, where normalization —in its juridical-social sense— is produced. In this paper I get back to Michel Foucault’s conceptualization, in this respect, in the historical-critical tracking the ways how relations between knowledge, power, and subject interact, allowing a specific production of subjectivity linked to the truth regime of liberalism’s governmental art, to the impact of the theory-produced truth, and, finally, to economic-capitalist practices.

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