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Supermarket and research in Latin America

Supermercado e investigación en América Latina


How to Cite
García arias, P. (2015). Supermarket and research in Latin America. Tabula Rasa, 23, 331-343.

Pablo García arias

    Collecting points in exchange of purchases works like the big systems of academic ranking, based on which standing and wage values, and action capacity of authoring and research and publishing centers are measured. The phenomenon of educational, learning and intellectual production markets at the service of pressing consumption is a symptom of contemporary research condition. From late 20th century, up to what we have come to since the 21st century, a number of Latin American universities —like axioms of a comprehensive global capitalist syntax— have been the object of changes due to increasing financial mobilization. The hubs of scholar inquiry have undergone unprecedented interventions in their contemporary becoming, and documentation and theoretical-practical documentary creation centers have, too. A study on such interventions and their effects is the focus of this essay.

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