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Ontoepistemologias indígenas.

Juan Camilo Cajigas Rotundo Autor

Este artigo busca apresentar um exercício de filosofia transcultural, tomando como ponto de referência a contribuição do filósofo nativo americano Sioux Vine Deloria Jr, em diálogo com diversos autores que trabalham com o pensamento crítico indígena. Denominarei a presente exploração teórica com a categoria ontoepistemologias indígenas. Esse exercício se fundamentará numa dinâmica de fertilização cruzada que manterá vivas as diferenças e, ao mesmo tempo, sublinhará as conexões, entre diferentes geofilosofias. Então, a seguir, entrelaçarei diferentes fontes de reflexão em três áreas principais: (1) a metafísica da terra, (2) enfoques não dualistas frente à natureza e às sociedades, e (3) a relação entre espiritualidade e mudança social.

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  1. Abram, D. (1996). The spell of the sensuous: perception and language in a more than human world. New York: Vintage.
  2. Alfred, T. (1999). Peace, Power, Righteousness. An Indigenous Manifesto. New York: Oxford University Press.
  3. Anzaldúa, G. (2007). Borderlands/La Frontera. San Francisco: Aunt lute Books.
  4. Black, C.F. (2011). The Land is the Source of the Law. A Dialogic Encounter with Indigenous Jurisprudence. London and New York: Routledge.
  5. Cajete, G. (2004). Philosophy of Native Science. In Water A. (Ed.) American Indian thought. pp. 45-57. Massachusetts. Blackwell.
  6. Castro-Gómez, S. (2005). La Hybris del Punto Cero. Ciencia, Raza e Ilustración en la Nueva Granada (1750-1816). Bogotá: Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,
  7. Delgado Shorter, D. (2015). Sexuality. In R. Warrior (ed.). The World of Indigenous North America. Pp. 487-505. New York and London: Routledge.
  8. Delgado Shorter, D. (2016). Spirituality. In F.E. Hoxie (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of American Indian History. Pp. 1-24. New York Oxford University Press.
  9. De La Cadena, M. (2010). Indigenous Cosmopolitics in the Andes: Conceptual Reflections Beyond Politics as Usual. Cultural Anthropology, 25 (2), 334-370.
  10. Deloria, V.Jr. (2012). The Metaphysics of Modern Existence. Golden CO.: Fulcrum Publishing.
  11. Deloria, V. Jr. (1999). Spirit and Reason. The Vine Deloria Jr. Reader. Golden CO.: Fulcrum. Publishing.
  12. Deloria, V. Jr. (1995). Red Earth, White Lies. Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact. Golden CO.: Fulcrum Publishing.
  13. Echeverri, J.A., Candre-Kïneraï, H. (1993). Tabaco frío, coca dulce. Bogotá: Colcultura.
  14. Fornet-Betancourt, R. (2007). La filosofía intercultural desde una perspectiva latinoamericana. Solar, 3(3), 23-40.
  15. Ferrer, J. & Sherman, J. (Ed.). (2008). The Participatory Turn. Spirituality, Mysticism, Religious Studies. New York: State University of New York Press.
  16. Grosfoguel, R. (2013). The Structure of Knowledge in Westernized Universities Epistemic Racism/Sexism and the Four Genocides/Epistemicides of the Long 16th Century. In Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, XI (1), 73-90.
  17. Haraway, D. (2008). When Species Meet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
  18. Harding, S. (1995). ‘Strong Objectivity’: A Response to the New Objectivity Question. Synthese, 104, 331-349.
  19. Hartley, G. (2012). Chican@ indigeneity, the Nation-State and Colonialist Identity Formations. In Castellanos, B; Gutierrez Najera L; Aldama J. A. (Editors). Comparative indigeneities of the Americas. Toward a hemispheric approach. Phoenix: The University of Arizona Press.
  20. Jung, H. (2011). Transversal Rationality and Intercultural Texts. Athens: Ohio University Press.
  21. Kant, I. (2000). Critique of the Power of Judgment. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  22. Keating, A.L. (2006). From Borderlands and New Mestizas to Nepantlas and Nepantleras: Anzaldúan Theories for Social Change. Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, 4(3), 5-16.
  23. Lacey, H. (2006). Controvérsia sobre Transgênicas: Questões científicas e éticas. São Paulo: Editora Ideias e Letras.
  24. Little, W. (2012). Aiqija, Transnational migrants, telephones and Nimab al. Castellanos, Bianet; Gutierrez Najera Lourdes; Aldama J. Arturo (Editors). Comparative indigeneities of the Americas. Toward a hemispheric approach. Phoneix: The University of Arizona.
  25. Ma L., Van Brakel, J. (2016). Fundamentals of Comparative and Intercultural Philosophy. Albany: State University of New York.
  26. Rancière, J. (1999). Disagreement: Politics and Philosophy. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  27. Subramaniam, B., Foster, L., Harding, S. Roy, D. & TallBear, K. (2016). Feminism, postcolonialism, technoscience. In U. Felt, R. Fouché, C.A. Miller, & L. Smith-Doerr, Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, pp. 407-434 Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press.
  28. Stengers, I. (2011). Cosmopolitics II. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
  29. Stengers, I. (2012). The challenge of animism. Unpublished Manuscript. John E. Sawyer Seminar: Indigenous comopolitics. Dialogues about the reconstitution of worlds (Marisol de la Cadena; Mario Blaser) University of California, Davis.
  30. TallBear, K. (2016) Badass (Indigenous) Women Caretake Relations: #NoDAPL, #IdleNoMore #BlackLivesMatter. Cultural Anthropology Hot Spots Series, Retrieved from: .
  31. TallBear, K. Delgado Shorter, D. (2016). American Anthropological Association 115th annual meeting. Panel: Beyond Ontology: Indigenous (Im)Materiality and Relatedness. Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, November 19, 2016. Organized and chaired by Kim TallBear and David Delgado Shorter.
  32. TallBear, K. (2017). Beyond the Life/Not Life Binary: A Feminist-Indigenous Reading of Cryopreservation, Interspecies Thinking and the New Materialisms. In J. Radin & E. Kowal (eds.), Cryopolitics: Frozen Life in a Melting World. pp. 179-200 Cambridge: MIT Press.
  33. Urbina, F. (1986). Amazonía, naturaleza y cultura. Bogotá: Banco de Occidente.
  34. Viveiros de Castro, E. (2010). Metafísicas caníbales. Líneas de antropología postestructural. Buenos Aires: Katz.
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