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The Grotesque Representation of the Spanish Nation in Goya’s Los Caprichos

La representación grotesca de la nación española en los Caprichos de Goya


How to Cite
Mengolini, C. (2024). The Grotesque Representation of the Spanish Nation in Goya’s Los Caprichos. Tabula Rasa, 52, 217-233.

Clara Mengolini

The life of Francisco de Goya, a masterful artist whose life spanned the period between the  Enlightenment and the turbulent changes in Spain during the 18th and 19th centuries.  From 1792 onwards, his works took on a more introspective tone, particularly evident  in his series Los Caprichos [The Caprices]. This essay delves into three prints: Todos caerán  [All will fall], ¿Dónde va mamá? [Where is Mother going?] and Hilan delgado [They spin  finely], where Goya portrays women with grotesque features. It argues that Goya’s art was  a profound critique of the Spanish nation, which he saw as transforming into a bestial  and oppressive stepmother. This essay brings to light the prevalent ignorance and ferocity of that era, embodied by monstrous maternal figures. By drawing upon the theories of  national identity by Benedict Anderson, Jackie Hogan, and Tamar Mayer, the article  unravels the complex relationship between nationality and the monstrous maternal figure  in Goya’s art.

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