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Total Challenge: Psychology, psychoanalysis and virtuality

Desafío total: psicología, psicoanálisis y virtualidad


How to Cite
Parker, I. (2006). Total Challenge: Psychology, psychoanalysis and virtuality. Tabula Rasa, 4, 83-101.

Ian Parker

    Speculation around the role of technology and human nature are encountered in science fiction writing, and this writing provides discursive resources for post-industrial subjects. The kinds of futures that are outlined in science fiction help us to understand what kind of subjects some of us have become. New forms of experience, social relations and forms of subjectivity that we find in science fiction are resources examined in this paper, including the way the past is re-presented to us in myriad forms of alternative reality. This article explores the way in which psychoanalytic discourse, pervasive in popular culture, produces forms of subjectivity compatible with contemporary society.

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