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Visual assembly of black body: the case of New Grenade’s Corographic Commission

El ensamblaje visual del cuerpo negro: el caso de la Comisión Corográfica de la Nueva Granada


How to Cite
Rodríguez, B. (2012). Visual assembly of black body: the case of New Grenade’s Corographic Commission. Tabula Rasa, 17, 43-61.

Beatriz Rodríguez

    In this paper, I show that in the age of freedom and equality statements, the ethnographic images produced by Comisión Corográfica (a major geographic project in mid-nineteenth century Colombia) promotes and provides aesthetic tools that normalize, codify, and reify racial ideologies at a time in Colombian history in which structures of domination were heavily contested. Our main objective is to provide a critical reading of these images in order to account for how conventions mobilized by these visual registers established the fiction of race in nineteenth-century Colombia.

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