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Positioning paths to the praxiological complexity of social work: disciplinary heritage enclave experience of fusion theory-practice

Senderos de reposicionamiento a la complejidad praxiológica del trabajo social: patrimonio disciplinar enclave experiencia de fusión teoría-práctica


How to Cite
Yáñez Pereira, V. R. (2015). Positioning paths to the praxiological complexity of social work: disciplinary heritage enclave experience of fusion theory-practice. Tabula Rasa, 22, 267-284.

Víctor R Yáñez Pereira

    This article is based on the understanding that reality is formed as a plot that urges things with semantics, configuring at the level of consciousness and language a discursive density that reveals the truth content located in the area of ​​our experiences. We will see that thought must translate the logics of social work into an expression of rupture before the tax totalization of ideologizing canons and
    deterministic, contained in the knowledge inherited from the old European tradition of the seventeenth century, and that in their modern condition, with extreme violence, have embedded and naturalized powerful binary polarizations, as has been the case with segregation between the nuclei of theory regarding those of practice and vice versa. Therefore, the discipline must relieve an understanding mediated by the questioning of a reality that, also, questions him, as a socio-historical movement. This stands in the
    contingent and dynamic contradiction of contemporary social relations and their conflicting manifestation; «Images that think», as the product of semantics that intertwine the enunciative potential with the propositional act of workers and social workers on phenomena in realization, resulting in the ability to name what gives meaning to real opportunities for change or transformation in different contexts and social spaces.

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