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Social memory and territory in land conflict in an indigenous community. An approach from the political oral tradition

Memoria social y territorio en la conflictividad por tierras en una comunidad indígena. Un acercamiento desde la tradición oral polítizada


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Social memory and territory in land conflict in an indigenous community. An approach from the political oral tradition. (2015). Tabula Rasa, 22, 189-207.

David Figueroa Serrano Author

The conflict over land between Nahuas and mestizos in Michoacán has been a constant since the 19th century. In that context, Nahua communities have sustained the continuity of certain perceptions about the environment and otherness from the oral tradition, which is involved in inter-ethnic and power dynamics. The objective of this text is to go beyond the common vision of oral tradition as cosmogonic reminiscences; Above all, it seeks to show some ways in which the Nahuas of the community of Pomaro, Michoacán, have generated social memories in the face of the different conflicts in which they have historically engaged. In that sense, the oral tradition acquires another physiognomy from politicization, which resignifies reality and relations with otherness, where various resources and social actors are implicit.

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