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Estudio piloto de detección de parásitos en frutas y hortalizas expendidas en los mercados públicos y privados de la ciudad de Bogota D.C.

Estudio piloto de detección de parásitos en frutas y hortalizas expendidas en los mercados públicos y privados de la ciudad de Bogota D.C.

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Estudio piloto de detección de parásitos en frutas y hortalizas expendidas en los mercados públicos y privados de la ciudad de Bogota D.C. (2006). NOVA, 4(5).


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Nelsi Andrea Camargo Castillo
    Silvia Campuzano

      The diseases transmitted by contaminated foods, they represent a serious problem of health publishes,many microorganisms are able to survive adverse conditions for their development, therefore the fruits andcrude vegetables can be contaminated.

      It is tried with this work, to raise the importance of validating and of implementing the methods to detectparasites in fruits and vegetables during the process of the good ones you practice agricultural, since some ofthese products by their physical characteristics more are exposed to contamination and therefore they arecarrying of causal agents of diseases.

      The intention was to collect samples of fruits and vegetables from the different points of sale, and to putthem for to study taking a method from diagnosis used by other authors for the isolation of parasites in thistype of samples. Once they were processed in the laboratory , they were identified for the causal and commonagents of the intestinal upheavals. With the results of this study, it was tried to determine the parasites foundin fruits and vegetables by means of parasitological analysis, to compare products both: fruits and vegetablesas far as the contamination with parasites, to socialize the results with the distributors proposing conditions ofprevention.

      In addition the points of sale was evaluated, the quality of its services and the cleanings that offer toeliminate the contamination, projecting to benefit to the consumers and drug dealers from agricultural products,in order to diminish the contamination risk.

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