NOVA 2024-02-27T19:03:53-05:00 Olga Lucia Ostos Ortiz Open Journal Systems <p><strong><span class="lead7 text-justify">ISSN Impreso:&nbsp;1794-2470&nbsp; &nbsp;/&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></strong><strong><span class="lead7 text-justify">ISSN Electrónico:&nbsp;2462-9448</span></strong><br> <strong>DOI:&nbsp;</strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><span class="lead7 text-justify"></span></a><br> <strong>Presentación:<br>NOVA&nbsp;es una publicación científica de la&nbsp;<a class="escuela" href="">Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca</a>&nbsp;(Colombia), de periodicidad semestral, cuyo fin primordial consiste en la difusión de trabajos originales que contribuyen a ampliar los conocimientos en las ciencias biomédicas.<br>Desde su creación, en 2003, ha sido editada por la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, y a partir del año 2013 es publicada en Convenio entre la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca y la&nbsp;<a class="escuela" href="">Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, UNAD</a><br></strong></p> Editorial 2024-02-27T19:03:53-05:00 Revista Nova <p>Editorial guest</p> 2023-12-16T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ObRb, AdipoR1, and CYP19 gene expression show significant association with obesity and overweight in healthy women 2023-12-16T13:49:59-05:00 Jessica Berenice López González Antonio Sandoval Cabrera Laura Sánchez Hernández Enrique Morales Ávila Jonnathan Guadalupe Santillán Benítez <p><strong>Introduction.</strong>Obesity and overweight are diseases characterized by excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the body and are defined as an increase in Body Mass Index (BMI) with values greater than 25 kg/m2. Multiple causes of these increases in BMI have been reported. Some have been attributed to the expression of several genes involved in the leptin and adiponectin pathway as well as postmenopausal stage in women.<strong>Objective.</strong>In this research, we focused on evaluating whether the expression of ObRb, AdipoR1, and CYP19 genes have any association with the increase in BMI in the female population of Mexico City over 55 years of age. For this, we worked with a group of 45 women volunteers without the diagnosis of any confirmed pathology.<strong>Methodology.</strong>The study population was classified into three groups (average weight, overweight and obese) according to their BMI and was characterized according to their clinical data of blood cytometry and blood chemistry. At the same time, RT-PCR determined ObRb, Adi- poR1, and CYP19 gene expression.<strong>Results.</strong>Obtained results showed a moderate correlation (r=0.648, p=0.043) of ObRb gene expression in women with obesity and a moderate negative correlation (r= -0.389, p=0.034) Adi- poR1 gene in women with overweight or obesity.Based on BMI data, more than 70 % of the study population was overweight and obese. Also, it was found that 64 % of the study population exceeded 150 mg/dL of triglycerides which is the normal healthy range.</p> 2023-12-16T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Proposal for a model for the care of the sexual health of the young adult before HPV 2023-12-16T13:49:59-05:00 María de Lourdes Rico Yolanda Hernández Ortega María de Lourdes García Hernández Marisol Ignacio Albino <p><strong>Introduction. </strong>Sexually Transmitted Infections such as HPV mainly affect adolescents and young adults; Women are more susceptible to contracting them due to multiple factors. Promoting sexual health has increased knowledge about prevention, but it is still insufficient. <strong>Objective</strong>.To propose a model of sexual health care in young adults before HPV. Methodology: the focus of the study was qualitative, convenience sampling, with 13 sexually active key informants. A semi-structured interview was used in the data collection to identify the paradigm of the young adult against HPV in three categories: sexuality, risk of infection, and care. The theoretical proposal of the model reinterprets the concepts to build the framework of the proposal. <strong>Results.</strong>&nbsp;Beliefs or myths prevail about sexuality limited to intercourse as the only source of pleasure; HPV is recognized as an STI, but it is unknown if there are symptoms and it is confused with another STI; there is a risk of infection mainly due to the number of sexual partners, the responsibility for care is left to the couple, and health services are not used as a preventive form. The care proposal emphasizes self-care according to this paradigm that integrates the physical, psychological, self-knowledge and spiritual areas. <strong>Conclusions.</strong>Self-care is an interesting concept to address in promoting the sexual health of young adults in the face of the reality that they live concerning STIs.</p> 2023-12-16T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The innovative methodology for teaching and learning about sexuality care in a population of young Mexicans 2023-12-16T13:50:00-05:00 Yolanda Hernandez Ortega María de Lourdes Rico González Maria de Lourdes García Elena Varela <p><strong>Introduction.</strong> Sex education in Mexico focuses on biological aspects, with traditional tea- ching-learning strategies, which do not encourage reflection on learning that impacts the care of sexuality, so it is urgent to propose a change so that the student becomes a subject and not an object of your learning. Objective. To report the experiences in developing the innovative methodology through the Maguerez Arch for the teaching and learning of the Care of the sexuality of the University Emerging Adult. <strong>Method.</strong> Qualitative study based on the Arco de Maguerez problematization methodology, developed on 12 Nursing students from 18 to 25 who attended 12 program sessions: “Taking care of my sexuality.” The reports were analyzed by content analysis and technique of the speech. <strong>Results. </strong>According to the five moments of the Maguerez Arch: 1) Observation of reality: ignorance of contraceptive methods and sexually transmitted infections, 2) Identify the key points: An approach to sexuality to the biological aspect and non-invasive care it is part of their sexual life 3) Theorizing the problem: topics to be developed by the students: sexual edu- cation, communication, self-esteem, and empowerment, 4) Solution hypothesis: the care and knowledge of their sexuality if it is a priority in their life, 5 ) Reality application: they recognize the right to live sexuality with responsibility and care. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>The methodology was innovative, motivating, and significant, allowing the student to make conscious decisions regarding the care of their sexuality.</p> 2023-12-16T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Importance of the dilution test in the dosage of coagulation factors XII and XI in plasma with positive lupus anticoagulant 2023-12-16T13:50:00-05:00 Martha Castillo Ana Isabel Mora Bautista Ana Lucía Oliveros Gloria Ramos Maria Elena Muñoz zambrano Jonathan Andre Mora Quimbayo <p><strong>Introduction. </strong>Thrombosis is associated with acquired risk factors or hypercoagulable states. Antiphospholipid antibodies are found in infectious processes or associated with arterial or venous thrombosis. Among these is the lupus anticoagulant, which is conside- red an interference inhibitor because it prolongs phospholipid-dependent tests in vitro. <strong>Objectives. </strong>To relate the activity of factor XII and XI in patients with positive lupus anti- coagulant. <strong>Methodology.</strong> Of 55 plasmas, 34 met the inclusion criteria. Factors XII and XI were dosed by metric clot methods. Samples less than 50 Ul/dl are considered low factor activity, to which the dilution test (parallelism) is performed. If a recovery greater than 15% of the factor is evidenced, it is considered interference. If, on the contrary, the result remains with little variation, it is confirmed. factor deficiency. <strong>Results.</strong> Of 34 dosages, 79.4% (27/34) presented a decrease in factor XI. A dilution test was performed, and 100% recovery of factor XI was observed; Regarding the dosage of factor XII, 29.4% (10/34) presented values below 50 IU/dl and 70.6% (24/34) normal, did not recover in 22.2% (2/9) presenting deficit. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>The study of a prolonged PTT is carried out due to suspicion of lupus anticoagulant or factor deficiency. The importance of the laboratory is that every time a decreased coagulation factor is found, plasma dilution must be done to determine if there is recovery of the factor or is a deficit of this.</p> 2023-12-16T12:45:30-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Morphogenesis of penis and spongy urethra during human gestation 2023-12-16T13:50:01-05:00 Alba Rocío Valencia Manuel García Florez <p><strong>Background. </strong>Every year, approximately 500,000 children in the world are born with congenital abnormalities of the urinary system and kidneys. Therefore, pediatricians and urologists must understand the normal processes that lead to male sexual differentiation. <strong>Objective.</strong> The aim of this study was to describe in detail the process that occurs during masculinization of the fetus, which leads to the formation of male structures under normal conditions. <strong>Methods.</strong> Fifty-four fetuses with gestation periods between four and 18 weeks were collected, which were considered normal, did not have any signs of external anatomic abnormalities or any alteration in their development, and were a product of spontaneous abortions and tubal pregnancies. The urogenital sinus region was collected and prepared for scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution optical microscopy to observe the cellular characteristics of the urogenital fold during external development in male embryos. <strong>Results. </strong>This work shows the formation of the glans and spongy urethra in a detailed man- ner from the eighth week of embryonic development, carefully describing the role of the labioscrotal folds and the fusion of the walls of the urogenital fold during the subsequent stages of development to form the proximal part of the urinary tract. Conclusion. The for- mation of the penile urethra from the urethral fold and its posterior fusion have a probable role of ectodermal cells, in addition to the endodermal origin established previously.</p> 2023-12-16T13:00:21-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Systematic review: Acute abdomen in paediatrics 2023-12-16T13:49:59-05:00 José Daniel Alvarado Ríos Mariana Guadalupe Pineda González Mario Alvarez Nava Miriam Deyanira Rodriguez Piña Brian Emmanuel Díaz Gordillo Hugo Mendieta Zerón <p><strong>Introduction.</strong> Abdominal pain is a frequent reason for consultation in the emergency department, being the result of various pathologies, mostly of benign origin. However, the lack of timely identification and treatment can lead to significant complications. O<strong>bjective. </strong>The purpose of this review is to deepen in the etiology of acute abdomen in pediatric patients. Accurate identification of the underlying cause not only enhances early diagnosis, but also plays a crucial role in mitigating potential complications. A thorough understanding of the origin of this condition lays the foundation for the implementation of more accurate treat- ments, with a positive impact on medical care. <strong>Methodology. </strong>An exhaustive literature search was conducted in renowned databases such as Pubmed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and Springerlink, as well as in medical literature, during the period from June to December 2021. This systematic review addresses the essentials of the topic of Pediatric Acute Abdomen, a frequent clinical entity in both emergency settings and pediatric primary care. Of note is the lack of familiarity with this phenomenon, as well as the need for studies addressing the predominant causes according to different pediatric age groups. In addition, there is a noto- rious lack of specific data on this phenomenon in the context of pediatric health in Mexico. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>This analysis aims to fill this gap, providing a more complete and detailed view on acute abdomen in pediatric patients, underlining the urgency of further research to enrich our understanding of this pathology in the Mexican setting.</p> 2023-12-16T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Chemodrug resistance: Cancer’s fight for survival 2023-12-16T13:50:00-05:00 Jafet Alcántara Colin Antonio Sandoval Cabrera Daniel Alejandro Martinez Quintero Jonnathan Guadalupe Santillán Benítez <p><strong>Introduction. </strong>Chemoresistance is a multifactorial phenomenon implicated in all failed therapies and accounts for 90% of all cancer deaths and 30% of relapses. Objective. To understand the genetic mechanisms by which cancer cells acquire resistance to chemo drugs. <strong>Methodology.</strong> A non-systematic review study was carried out, in which genes and proteins involved in chemoresistance were searched using the terms “Cancer Drug resis- tance [Title/Abstract]”. From the articles obtained, highly involved genes, emerging genes, and proteins related to resistance were recognized. To obtain more specific information about genes, their interactions, and proteins associated with metabolism, the tools “The Human Protein Atlas”, “STRING CONSORTIUM 2022,” and The Small Molecule Pa- thway Database were used for their review. <strong>Results. </strong>From this review it was found that there are genes highly related to resistance such as: ABCA3, ABCB1, ABCB2, ABCC1, ABCC2, ABCG2, CYP2D6, CYP3A4, GSTA1. Recently recognised genes such as: FOXO3, FOXM1, Skp2, Snail, Twist1, ZEB1 and SLCO1B3. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> It is necessary to taking account new approaches related to cancer treatments considering chemoresistence and the genes related to the resistence.</p> 2023-12-16T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Systematic review and bibliometric analysis of the metabolome found in human breast milk from healthy and gestational diabetes mellitus mothers 2023-12-16T13:50:00-05:00 Sandra Valencia Martha Zuluaga Alejandra Franco Manuela Osorio Santiago Betancour <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. Human breast milk is considered the gold standard of nutrition, given that thanks to the diversity in the metabolome it manages to meet the individual needs of each infant by providing essential metabolites that contribute to and intervene in optimal growth and development. Few factors can modify the composition of breast milk and, simultaneously, its benefits. However, the increase in maternal metabolic diseases such as gestational diabetes mellitus raises the question of whether it can be one of the factors that condition the quality and quantity of metabolites contained in breast milk. <strong>Objective. </strong>To identify the metabolome of breast milk from healthy mothers, its influence on the growth and development of the infant, and to recognize those that are altered because of gestatio- nal diabetes mellitus. <strong>Methodology.</strong> A systematic review was carried out using multiple databases. For the bibliometric analysis, we used the results of Web of Science and Scopus and the Tree of Science and Bibliometrix software.</p> 2023-12-16T00:00:00-05:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##