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Bacillus spp: An alternative for plant promotion by two enzymatic pathways

Bacillus spp: una alternativa para la promoción vegetal por dos caminos enzimáticos

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Corrales Ramírez, L. C., Caycedo Lozano, L., Gómez Méndez, M. A., Ramos Rojas, S. J., & Rodríguez Torres, J. N. (2017). Bacillus spp: An alternative for plant promotion by two enzymatic pathways. NOVA, 15(27), 45-65.


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Lucía Constanza Corrales Ramírez
    Liliana Caycedo Lozano
      María Angélica Gómez Méndez
        Sonia Julieth Ramos Rojas
          Jessica Natalia Rodríguez Torres

            Objective. We conducted a review of the characteristics of the phytase and nitrogenase of Bacillus sp. and their potential use as an alternative biological fertilizer. The genus Bacillus is an efficient secretor of proteins and metabolites; to control pests and diseases, promote plant growth through the solubilization of phosphorus and production of growth regulators as acetic indole. Likewise it is involved in nitrogen fixation when it is part of microbial consortia. As biological fertilizer is a friendly option for the soil and the environment that responds to the need to implement sustainable agriculture

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