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Avian Infectious Bronchitis virus behavior in birds from commercial farms with a history of respiratory disease, located in the department of Cundinamarca

Comportamiento del virus de la bronquitis infecciosa aviar en aves con sintomatología respiratoria provenientes de granjas de producción del Departamento de Cundinamarca

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Avian Infectious Bronchitis virus behavior in birds from commercial farms with a history of respiratory disease, located in the department of Cundinamarca. (2015). NOVA, 13(23).


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Geovanna Córdoba Argoti
    Victor Julio Vera Alfonso
      Jairo Correa Jaime
        Gloria Consuelo Ramírez Nieto

          Objective. To evaluate the serological dynamics against avian infectious bronchitis virus and its relationship with the presentation and / or a history of clinical signs and pathological findings, under field conditions. Materials and methods. A random sampling was conducted in two phases, in broiler and breeder farms located in the Department of Cundinamarca. In the first phase blood samples were taken from a total of 224 birds, distributed over the 7 farms. In the second phase, carried out 20 days after the first, a second sample was collected from the same number of birds used in the first phase. The serum samples were used to carry out the enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA) intended to detect antibodies against avian infectious bronchitis virus in blood serum. Results. As a result it was found that from the total farms analyzed the 85.72% showed serologic reactivity against Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus (AIBV) and that this was correlated to the presence of clinical signs or previous history of respiratory disease in the farm.

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