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Introduction: Psychotropic drugs are drugs used in medical practice to treat mental illnesses. Objective: to carry out an análysis comparing consumption indicators in the use of psychotropic drugs in a mental healt institution in the departamento of Córdoba-Colombia. Methodology: Longitudinal, retrospective-cross-sectional study, drug use study (DUS) to compare consumption indicators such as defined daily dose (DDD), number of containers, considering the diagnosis and sociodemographic variables. Results: population of 3,089 patients, where 48% presented a diagnosis of mental and behavioral disorder due to the use of psychoactive substances, 17% presented bipolar affective disorder and 15% paranoid schizophrenia, 70% male and 30% sex feminine. The most used medications were valproic acid in 250mg capsules, lithium carbonate in 300mg tablets and sertraline in 50mg tablets; The highest consumption was obtained by antidepressants with 45.77%, followed by antipsychotics with 23.19% and finally anticonvulsants with 22.39%. Conclusion: differences were observed in the trend of the increase in the consumption of psychotropic drugs using as consumption indicators the defined daily dose (DDD) versus the number of containers in the years of study. This research differs from the results at the national and departmental levels in the sense that depression and other mental health problems are found to be more prevalent in men.

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