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Biotic and abiotic factors that condition the bioremediation by Pseudomonas in grounds contaminated by hydrocarbons

Factores bióticos y abióticos que condicionan la biorremediación por Pseudomonas en suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos

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Gómez Romero et al., S. E. (2008). Biotic and abiotic factors that condition the bioremediation by Pseudomonas in grounds contaminated by hydrocarbons. NOVA, 6(9).


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Sara Esmeralda Gómez Romero et al.

    The bioremediation of hydrocarbons process, polluting agents of the ground, carried out by Pseudomonas sp. is in conditioned by biotic and abiotic factors, like the nutrients, breathing, pH, humidity and temperature of the microorganism, which, when modified, limit or favor the metabolic capacity of the bacterium and its adaptability with the shift of position of fatty acids of the cellular membrane. Ground bioremediation has demonstrated to be an effective technology for the treatment of the contamination by petroleum,  because the majority of the crude components and its refined products are biodegradable. This revision is to describe the biotic and abiotic conditions needed by the Pseudomonas sp. in order to carry out a suitable process of bioremediation, considering the characteristics and properties of the bacterium.

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