The creation and use of environmental education programs is a key element for the effective implementation of an environmental management system
La creación y uso de programas de educación ambiental es un elemento clave para la implementación efectiva de un sistema de gestión ambiental
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The creation and use of programs of environmental education are a key element for the effective implementation of a system of environmental management. The program must describe the goals of the organization, people in charge, timeline of activities, strategies to follow, required investments, and a recording system. This article shows the results of the investigation “Validation of the Model on Actual Handling of Waste Generated in Laboratories and Health Institutions”. A model designed by the Program of Bacteriology of the University Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca was applied to the industries involved in this research project; which was used to evaluate the environmental management system and waste management of the University itself and of the health institution of the University. Besides, a program was designed to support the environmental management in these industries. With these results, it is considered that one of the critical control posts is training, which the University can support and give feedback to the investigation in aspects related to environmental problems, establishing bonds between the industry and the university.
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