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The innovative methodology for teaching and learning about sexuality care in a population of young Mexicans

The innovative methodology for teaching and learning about sexuality care in a population of young Mexicans

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Hernandez Ortega, Y., Rico González, M. de L., García, M. de L., & Varela, E. (2023). The innovative methodology for teaching and learning about sexuality care in a population of young Mexicans. REVISTA NOVA , 21(41).

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Yolanda Hernandez Ortega

    María de Lourdes Rico González

      Maria de Lourdes García

        Introduction. Sex education in Mexico focuses on biological aspects, with traditional tea- ching-learning strategies, which do not encourage reflection on learning that impacts the care of sexuality, so it is urgent to propose a change so that the student becomes a subject and not an object of your learning. Objective. To report the experiences in developing the innovative methodology through the Maguerez Arch for the teaching and learning of the Care of the sexuality of the University Emerging Adult. Method. Qualitative study based on the Arco de Maguerez problematization methodology, developed on 12 Nursing students from 18 to 25 who attended 12 program sessions: “Taking care of my sexuality.” The reports were analyzed by content analysis and technique of the speech. Results. Ac- cording to the five moments of the Maguerez Arch: 1) Observation of reality: ignorance of contraceptive methods and sexually transmitted infections, 2) Identify the key points: An approach to sexuality to the biological aspect and non-invasive care it is part of their sexual life 3) Theorizing the problem: topics to be developed by the students: sexual edu- cation, communication, self-esteem, and empowerment, 4) Solution hypothesis: the care and knowledge of their sexuality if it is a priority in their life, 5 ) Reality application: they recognize the right to live sexuality with responsibility and care. Conclusions. The me- thodology was innovative, motivating, and significant, allowing the student to make cons- cious decisions regarding the care of their sexuality.

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