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ObRb, AdipoR1, and CYP19 gene expression show significant association with obesity and overweight in healthy women

ObRb, AdipoR1, and CYP19 gene expression show significant association with obesity and overweight in healthy women

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López González, J. B., Sandoval Cabrera, A., Sánchez Hernández, L., Morales Ávila, E., & Santillán Benítez, J. G. (2023). ObRb, AdipoR1, and CYP19 gene expression show significant association with obesity and overweight in healthy women. NOVA, 21(41).


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Introduction.Obesity and overweight are diseases characterized by excessive accumulation of adipose tissue in the body and are defined as an increase in Body Mass Index (BMI) with values greater than 25 kg/m2. Multiple causes of these increases in BMI have been reported. Some have been attributed to the expression of several genes involved in the leptin and adiponectin pathway as well as postmenopausal stage in women.Objective.In this research, we focused on evaluating whether the expression of ObRb, AdipoR1, and CYP19 genes have any association with the increase in BMI in the female population of Mexico City over 55 years of age. For this, we worked with a group of 45 women volunteers without the diagnosis of any confirmed pathology.Methodology.The study population was classified into three groups (average weight, overweight and obese) according to their BMI and was characterized according to their clinical data of blood cytometry and blood chemistry. At the same time, RT-PCR determined ObRb, Adi- poR1, and CYP19 gene expression.Results.Obtained results showed a moderate correlation (r=0.648, p=0.043) of ObRb gene expression in women with obesity and a moderate negative correlation (r= -0.389, p=0.034) Adi- poR1 gene in women with overweight or obesity.Based on BMI data, more than 70 % of the study population was overweight and obese. Also, it was found that 64 % of the study population exceeded 150 mg/dL of triglycerides which is the normal healthy range.

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