An approach to a new theory of justice through its primal scripture
La aproximación a una nueva teoría de la justicia a través de su primigenia estructura
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The fundamental objectives of the investigation titled “The primordial structure of justice” that this article is about, looks essentially set this primordial structure of justice, show how this three dimensions fit, that is to say, how they manage to exist in a coexistent and independent way, for which is necessary indicate in what each one of the commented dimensions consist, among other indicating, the way in that each dimension has a deontological or ontological character, to finally shows why the use of a phenomenological method is particularly useful when we try to understand a special aspect and fundamental of the justice, it´s being.
The methodology of this investigation consisted, in its first phase, in make a documental compilation of the most important theorizations about justice, since de ancient Greeks to contemporary debate, this information was analyzed and compared with some relevant facts, to try to account for their meaning and the possibility for an application in specific cases, and in a second phase, to interpret this results in the “primordial structure” where, to has access to the third dimension of justice was necessary to use de phenomenological method.
In conclusion, the referenced investigation proved the relevance of the justice concept in the history and human thinking, where although no agreement was found, about the definition of justice or its content, it has been agreed mostly that justice is a patrimony, is a good worth seeking out, and which realization is nearly related with the existence of some “rules of the game”, some organization mandates that are legitimate per se, or what legitimizes institutions like the state.
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