Indigenous Women at the University Level: Reflections About Their Experiences
Mujeres Indígenas Universitarias, reflexiones en torno a sus experiencias
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In today’s society, the various roles played by women and their impact on their communities has grown in importance. Thus, we need to realize women’s struggles are different and related to cultural diversity, and the experiences stemming from that circumstance. Hence the need to understand the barriers, challenges, and struggles faced by Indigenous women at the university drawing on an intercultural feminist approach. Following Bonilla and Rodriguez’ qualitative methodology, we found several challenges encountered by Indigenous university woman students regarding their recognition as social subjects. Likewise, they face the challenge of harmonizing their cultural identity experiences and social demands, as well as finding their place as autonomous and members of a collective. In addition, attention should be paid to structural, social and academic hindrances in women’s educational process and the roles they hold, which imply greater visibility, creating safe spaces, and exchanging cultural views.
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