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The mexican senate in the treaty process approval : constitutional comparison with the United States of America`s model

El senado mexicano en el proceso de aprobación de los tratados : comparación constitucional con el modelo de los Estados Unidos de América

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How to Cite
Olguín Torres, A. (2022). The mexican senate in the treaty process approval : constitutional comparison with the United States of America`s model. Misión Jurídica, 15(23), 95-110.



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Antonio Olguín Torres,

Doctor en Derecho con Mención Honorífica, Profesor Investigador de Tiempo Completo del Departamento de Derecho de la Universidad de Guanajuato, Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel I.

The main objective of this research is to analyze article 76 section I of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States regarding the Senate’s obligation to approve international treaties previously negotiated by the President of Mexico in the terms set by Article 89, Section X, of the same Constitution. Therefore, the Executive branch has the exclusive faculty to define the text of the treaty without the intervention of the Senate or any other legislative body. Consequently, the scope of this research is to consider wether the Mexican Senate can advise the president in the definition of the text of the treaty as it is done by the United States Senate in accordance with its constitutional norm. Thus, using the comparative constitutional law method, a proposal to reform Article 76, Section I of the Mexican Constitution is presented.

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