The law of “economic actors” between certain and control. The case of the Italian, British and American Commodity Exchanges
El derecho de los “agentes económicos”, entre la certeza y el control : Los casos de los mercados de futuros italianos, británicos y americanos.
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The paper analyzes, especially with reference to trade, the decentralization of legislative activity which translates into a new widespread sovereignty, that in some respects undermines the “rule of law”. The purpose of this analysis is to analyze, without any pretense of completeness, from a submission point of view, the Commodity Exchange, where it is possible to research a polychromatic law, which may also be implemented by non-state authorities, and where an attempt is made to record, how actual reality is constituted by an orderly plurality and the relationship between autonomy and heteronomy is made to seek the balance between private and public interests.
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