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About the Journal

ISSN Impreso: 1794-2470   /  ISSN Electrónico: 2462-9448


Since 2002 University mayor de Cundinamarca (Unicolmayor) decided to contribute to the building of knowledge and to strengthen the scientific and academic community in the biomedical sciences field in Colombia with the creation of the scientific magazine NOVA. Today eleven years later. It is possible to say that they achieved their goal and the university will continue in that opened way. Biological and medical fields had been benefited by the unpublished articles. Product of innovative works published in NOVA. Which has been edited by the university itself since its beginning. In correlation with the sciences of health department, bacteriology program and the research office. Thanks to the efforts made by Unicolmayor in this magazine, 11 volumes and 19 numbers had been published. Also because of their quality has been indexed for more than 10 years in the permanent indexing of magazines service, Publindex by Colciencias and international recognition bibliographic basis like Lilacs by Bireme, Redalyc, el FARO and Ebsco. Furthermore, the opened distance national university UNAD with their compromise for the human sustainable progress of local and global communities with quality, efficiency and social equity started the science of health school in the first semester of 2013. This new institution has as fundamental mission "to educate human talent capable to generate proses of knowledge building that allow to consolidate the development of an innovative model of health assistance using information and communication technologies (TICs)  to put them at the service of prevention , promotion, diagnostic and treatment of humans been health with a social service vocation to favor the continuous improvement of medical conditions in local and global communities with quality, efficiency and social equity. In order to achieve their mission and to obtain the highest standards in academically quality in intellectual production. The science of health school of UNAD had built a trade with the science of health faculty of Unicolmayor, since 2013, to the coediting of the scientific magazine NOVA. This trade expected to generate a meaningful contribution in academicals terms and intellectual production for both institutions. As result the magazine NOVA will reach the A category in Colciencias through their inclusion in international renowned bibliographic basis like Scielo, ISI and a larger visibility generating an online version in Open Journal. The trade between both parts is going to generate a significant contribution in academicals terms and intellectual production in both institutions. In that way it will strengthen the publication with the highest standards of academic and editing quality which will begin again in benefit of all the academicals included associated to the area of knowledge whose handwritten product of investigation will be recognized in a national and international level.

Approach and range

Nova is a scientific publication of Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca University (Colombia), which main objective is to spread original papers that contribute to increase the knowledge in biomedical science. All the material proposed in NOVA is checked by the editorial committee and send for external evaluation to two evaluators or scientific peer. The inform editor, the authors about the papers reception, evaluator’s comments and the final decision about the publication. The NOVA magazine reserves the right to accept or decline articles and could do suggestions or changes that pretend to improve the presentation. The NOVA Journal does not have charges for article processing (APC) nor for sending articles.

Original articles remain one year in the magazine’s archive and authors will receive 3 issue without paying.
NOVA- scientific publication in biomedical sciences is indexed in Latin-American index – LILACS, BIREME’s platform; Mexican index of biomedical Latin-American magazines IMBIOMED; net of scientific magazines from Latin American, Caribe, Spain and Portugal REDALYC; accessible magazines online data basis FARO and EBSCO information services.

Revision process by peers

The handwritten process evaluation has different parts: preselection and general revision by the editorial committee then an evaluation double blind asked to peers specialist in that field. Following the author will receive the concept: approved, approved with minor modifications, approved with major modifications or not approved. In those cases that the author receives approved with modification he will receive the suggestions and comments made by the evaluators. The authors will have at least one month to do the changes and send the corrected version to the new magazine’s editor with a letter where the changes will be explained. The editorial committee will check the new changes incorporation to the handwritten and if he finds relevant will send it to the new evaluator peer for his opinion. The final decision about the handwritten publication shall be subject to the peer agreement and editorial committee considering the changes requested to the author. In case to be accepted to be publish the authors will sign an originality declaration and publication rights authorization, its reproduction and inclusion in data basis, web pages, electronic pages, national or international.
Peer reviewers will use the evaluation format provided in the journal. (Format Evaluation Original Article, Evaluation Format Review Article). In case of discrepancy in the concept of peers, the editorial committee will have the power to send a third pair or issue an unapproved concept.

Ethics policy and good practices

NOVA scientific publication adheres to ethical guidelines in the academic publications delineated by Elsevier and the COPE organization (Committee on Publication Ethics).Likewise, NOVA before defining a behavior of plagiarism and, consequently, not editable product of the revision through the Turnitin software, communicates the result to the author (s).
Likewise, it is necessary to present a letter of originality and assignment of publishing rights for the publishing process for the purpose of publishing the article (Download Here)

Publication Frequency

The NOVA scientific publication is published twice a year since 2005

Open Access Policy

This magazine give open access contend, based on the principle of offering free access to the public to investigations help to generate a major global interchange of knowledge.

Journal History (About This Us)

Since 2002 University mayor de Cundinamarca (Unicolmayor) decided to contribute to the building of knowledge and to strengthen the scientific and academic community in the biomedical sciences field in Colombia with the creation of the scientific magazine NOVA.

Today eleven years later. It is possible to say that they achieved their goal and the university will continue in that opened way. Biological and medical fields had been benefited by the unpublished articles. Product of innovative works published in NOVA.

Which has been edited by the university itself since its beginning. In correlation with the sciences of health department, bacteriology program and the research office.
Thanks to the efforts made by Unicolmayor in this magazine, 16 volumes and 30 issues had been published. Also because of their quality has been indexed for more than 17 years in the permanent indexing of magazines service, Publindex by Colciencias and international recognition bibliographic basis like Lilacs by Bireme, Redalyc, el FARO and Ebsco.

Furthermore, the opened distance national university UNAD with their compromise for the human sustainable progress of local and global communities with quality, efficiency and social equity started the science of health school in the first semester of 2013. This new institution has as fundamental mission "to educate human talent capable to generate proses of knowledge building that allow to consolidate the development of an innovative model of health assistance using information and communication technologies (TICs) to put them at the service of prevention , promotion, diagnostic and treatment of humans been health with a social service vocation to favor the continuous improvement of medical conditions in local and global communities with quality, efficiency and social equity.

In order to achieve their mission and to obtain the highest standards in academically quality in intellectual production. The science of health school of UNAD had built a trade with the science of health faculty of Unicolmayor, since 2013, to the coediting of the scientific magazine NOVA. This trade expected to generate a meaningful contribution in academicals terms and intellectual production for both institutions. As result the magazine NOVA will reach the A category in Colciencias through their inclusion in international renowned bibliographic basis like Scielo, ISI and a larger visibility generating an online version in Open Journal.

The trade between both parts is going to generate a significant contribution in academicals terms and intellectual production in both institutions. In that way it will strengthen the publication with the highest standards of academic and editing quality which will begin again in benefit of all the academicals included associated to the area of knowledge whose handwritten product of investigation will be recognized in a national and international level.

Sistema OJS - Metabiblioteca |