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Enemies of the State: The Spanish Legal Wars against workers and separatists

Enemigos del Estado: Las Guerras Legales de España contra obreros e independentistas

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Enemies of the State: The Spanish Legal Wars against workers and separatists. (2018). Misión Jurídica, 11(15), 185-207.



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Aitor Jiménez González

    Why is Mr.CarlesPuigdemont, the former Catalan president, exiled? What justifies that the most important criminal court in Spain ruled against a group of young people from a remote village of Navarre after a bar brawl where there were no deaths or serious injuries? In order to answer these questions this article will explore the origins and development of the Spanish exceptionalism. We will look at the nineteenth-century legislation used to combat Spanish workers and Cuban separatists. We will examine the Francoist courts of exception, paying special attention to the North African origins of the fascist regime of General Franco. We will verify how the Francoist courts passed into the hands of democracy without experiencing any transition. Finally we will analyse the unstoppable rise of the doctrine of enemy criminal law through the critical analysis of two recent cases: Altsasu and the Generalitat of Catalunya.

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