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Gender violence and disability: effective protection alternatives from the intersectionality approach in women with low visión

Violencia de género y discapacidad: alternativas efectivas de protección desde el enfoque de interseccionalidad en mujeres con baja visión

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Gender violence and disability: effective protection alternatives from the intersectionality approach in women with low visión. (2023). Misión Jurídica, 16(25), 63-82.



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Ramsés Samael Montoya Camarena
    Luis Eusebio Alberto Avendaño González

      The essay has a double objective. First, it seeks to identify the situation of gender violence in connection with disability. Second, to delve into the problems faced by women with low vision. Through a casuistic method, it is shown to offer dignified treatment alternatives for this group, from an intersectional approach from which legal operators will be able to identify areas of opportunity that must be explored to offer the alternative and concrete measure that the need demands. from each person. Thus, based on documentary research, it is concluded that it is necessary to protect difference and evolve towards respect for people with disabilities.

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