Guarantees, abusive clauses and real estate consumer protection in the home purchase contract
Garantías, cláusulas abusivas y protección al consumidor inmobiliario en el contrato de compraventa de vivienda
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The objective of this brief is to analyze the contracts of sale of housing through the rules, rights and duties contemplated in the Consumer Statute (Law 1480 of 2011), as well as in Decree 735 of 2013 on the effectiveness of the guarantee in the Colombian legal system. For this purpose, an exploratory study was carried out, which included not only a doctrinal research on laws and jurisprudence concerning the subject studied, but also an analysis of practical references, such as the current clauses offered by construction companies regarding the duties and rights of the buyer. It became evident that, at present, there are voids and abuses on the part of home sellers that do not comply to the regulatory parameters that rule them.
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