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Research in comparative law from the perspective of the rapid development of international trade between China and Spanish speaking countries

Investigación en derecho comparado desde la perspectiva del desarrollo rápido del comercio internacional entre China y los países hispanohablantes

Artículos originales internacionales

How to Cite
Li, Y. (2022). Research in comparative law from the perspective of the rapid development of international trade between China and Spanish speaking countries. Misión Jurídica, 15(22), 67-81.



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Yun Li

    Yun Li,

    Yun Li, doctora en Derecho Privado de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid y profesora titular de la Universidad China de Ciencias Políticas y Derecho (CUPL, Beijing, China). Dirección postal: Av. Fuxue 27, Universidad China de Ciencias Políticas y Derecho, Changping, Beijing, China. 

    In the latest 40 years the legal translation has played an increasingly important role in the field of international legal exchanges, as in the commercial trade, the comparative legal studies, etc., but when we exam the legal translation from a cultural perspective, it's obvious that the cultural factors have become the main obstacles in the process of legal translation. This study falls within the context of the socio-cognitive approach and the frame semantics. In this paper, we are trying to study the cultural factors that affect the complex process of legal communication, as well as the strategies to achieve the legal and cultural functionalities of the legal translation, so as to promote the development of legal translation.

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