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Analysis of the expression “Reasonable Grounds” in the context of, Arrest and Search and Seizure warrants

Análisis de la expresión motivos razonablemente fundados en el ámbito de la captura y ordenes de allanamiento y registro

Artículos originales nacionales

How to Cite
Rodríguez Sanabria, V. (2021). Analysis of the expression “Reasonable Grounds” in the context of, Arrest and Search and Seizure warrants. Misión Jurídica, 14(21).



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This article analyzes the expression reasons reasonably founded in the area of ​​the arrest warrant and the searches and searches. To this end, it carries out a search for criteria that inform this question, both in national legislation and jurisprudence and in external regulations. Thus, this work strives to find decision rules that support the meaning of the expression in question. For this reason, it questions the subjectivity that may arise when the judge is responsible for issuing the corresponding order, without the in-depth analysis and justification required to uphold a judicial resolution based on reasonably well-founded reasons. Finally, it questions the influence of beliefs and points to doubt and objective knowledge as the basis for understanding the rationality of this expression.

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