Prolegomena to the concept of Large-scale Corruption: Dissertation from the social base towards its typification
Prolegómeno al concepto de Corrupción a Gran Escala: disertaciones desde la base social hacia su tipificación
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The conceptualization of the notion of corruption at a generic level has given rise to various doctrine manifestations, by means of which the risk that arises from it has been identified, especially when it is transferred on a large scale, including an impact on state institutions as well as their legitimacy. This situation is reflected in the configuration of the corrupt act itself, and in the impact that its consummation has on the public level, as well as in the private sphere, an impact that can be reflected through the systematized obstacles that the States go through in the materialization of the public function.
Thus, and from its categorization, Large-scale Corruption emerges as a variant of the phenomenon of corrupt act per se, therefore serving as a threat to the state apparatus, that is, to public power, since the development of it includes the possibility of the carrying out of a greater variety of punishable conducts by its actors. However, it is important to emphasize that the identification that has been previously made of such a figure has been insufficient, not in vain the typification of this conduct at the legislative level, based only on technical-administrative elements, represents a certain ignorance regarding to the deliberative practices of the subjects within the democratic regimes.
For this reason, the objective of this research is to compile the theoretical elements that can be found in relation to Large Scale Corruption, basing itself emphatically on the state of the question, to subsequently carry out an exhaustive analysis of the factors that are fundamental within the Theory of Communicative Action, understood as the cornerstone of deliberation in society, to finally establish an approach to the opportunities that Large-scale Corruption offers for strengthening democracy.
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