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Parental responsibility regarding the embryos produced in a cycle of assisted human reproduction: an analysis in the light of the principle of responsible parenthood

La responsabilidad paterna para embriones producidos en un ciclo de reproducción humana asistida: un análisis a la luz del principio de paternidad responsable

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Parental responsibility regarding the embryos produced in a cycle of assisted human reproduction: an analysis in the light of the principle of responsible parenthood. (2020). Misión Jurídica, 13(19), 1-22.



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Carlos Alexandre Moraes
    Tatiana de Freitas Giovanini Mochi
      Juan Ramón Pérez Carrillo

        Carlos Alexandre Moraes

        Professor Permanente do Programa de Doutorado e Mestrado em Direito do Centro Universitário Cesumar (UniCesumar);

        Pós-Doutor em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Cesumar (UniCesumar), Doutor em Direito pela FADISP; Doutor em Ciências da Educação pela UPAP; Mestre em Direito pelo Centro Universitário Cesumar (UniCesumar); Pesquisador Bolsista – Modalidade Produtividade em Pesquisa para Doutor PPD – do Instituto Cesumar de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (ICETI); Advogado.

        Tatiana de Freitas Giovanini Mochi

        Mestra em Ciências Jurídicas pelo Centro Universitário Cesumar – Unicesumar, professora do Curso de Bacharelado em Direito do Centro Universitário Cesumar – Unicesumar, advogada.

        Juan Ramón Pérez Carrillo

        Profesor Investigador Titular de la Carrera de Derecho, Universidad San Gregorio de Portoviejo, Ecuador. Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas por la Universidad de Oriente, Cuba.

        It is the right of every citizen to have free family planning, nonetheless, the use of artificial fertilization techniques should also be associated with the principle of responsible parenthood and of human dignity, which also implies the responsibility regarding the destination of every embryo produced in in vitro fertilization. Biosecurity Law, subject of the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI) no. 3.510, unsupportedly judged by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) got to regulate the possibility that the surplus embryos of a fertilization cycle are destined to scientific research.

        However, this law has inconsistencies such as the wording of article III of art. 5. Furthermore, the STF adopted a utilitarian vision not only of the embryo but also with the principle of human dignity which culminates in the commodification of human beings. There must be a responsibility on the part of those whom are willing to have a child artificially and this derives in the principle of responsible parenthood, thus it is necessary to limit, for example the quantity of embryos produced on each fertilization cycle, among other measures that surpass respect for human life.

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