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Constitution and society: an insight on the democratic crisis and constitutionalism with particular reference to the Colombian case

Constitución y sociedad: una reflexión acerca de la crisis democrática y del constitucionalismo con especial referencia al caso colombiano

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Rodriguez Sanabria, V. (2020). Constitution and society: an insight on the democratic crisis and constitutionalism with particular reference to the Colombian case. Misión Jurídica, 13(18).



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Vladimir Rodriguez Sanabria

    Vladimir Rodriguez Sanabria

    El autor del articulo ha sido profesor en la Universidad Católica de Colombia y Cooperativa de Colombia, actualmente Conjuez de la Sala Disciplinaria del Consejo Seccional de Cundinamarca, ha sido asesor de asuntos disciplinarios y en alcaldías municipales. Ha publicado un libro titulado “Estudios del Honor como objeto de protección penal”, así como artículos de derecho en la Universidad Católica de Colombia y en la Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Penal y Criminología. También es especializado en Gestión y Desarrollo Municipal y Departamental. Actualmente es maestrando de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad Libre.  

    From an early stage, democracy has been in continuos crisis. This situation affected the way to comprehend the Constitutions that have been established in recent western tradition as well as in the development of the constitutionalism. This also meant the crisis of the projects of States that have appeared throughout history. Currently, the democratic challenge is to overcome the tribulations of the political dynamics and, basically, of the populism that has made a career in Latin America and, especially, in Colombian reality. Finally, for understanding the Colombian case, it is suggested an approach from the context of language because it permits the discovery of the depths and failures of the national project and, from this, to explain the democratic crisis in our country.

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