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Incidence of the legislative act 1 of 2005 in the exctinction of conventional pensions in the national domain and its protection by the block of constitutionality

Incidencia del Acto Legislativo 01 de 2005 en la extinción de las pensiones convencionales en el ámbito nacional y su protección por el bloque de constitucionalidad

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Incidence of the legislative act 1 of 2005 in the exctinction of conventional pensions in the national domain and its protection by the block of constitutionality. (2019). Misión Jurídica, 12(17).



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Nicolas Echeverri Rodriguez
    B. Nathaly Torres Torres
      C. Myriam Sepúlveda López

        Nicolas Echeverri Rodriguez

        Abogado Universidad Colegio mayor de Cundinamarca

        B. Nathaly Torres Torres

        Abogada Universidad Colegio mayor de Cundinamarca

        C. Myriam Sepúlveda López

        Doctora en Filosofía Jurídica de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia de Madrid, España, magister en Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad Libre, magister en Educación con énfasis en investigación de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional de Colombia, especialista en Instituciones Jurídico Familiares de Universidad Nacional, especialista en Docencia Universitaria de la Universidad Santo Tomás, Trabajadora Social de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, Abogada de la Universidad La Gran Colombia. Decana de la facultad de derecho de la Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca

        This scientific article is the result of an analysis carried out  of  judgment SU 555 of 2014 that determined the progress of the recognition of the conventional pensions, these being part of the social security of this country,  it also studies  the legislative act 1 of 2005  which led to the extinction of these pensions and,  it considers the scope of the protection of OIT conventions 87,98,151 and 154, together with the Protocol of San Salvador against collective bargaining. It also takes into account the importance of the principle of financial sustainability against the progress of workers’ rights.

        To this effect, an analysis of jurisprudential evolution, regarding the regression of rights, legitimate expectations, acquired rights, general principles of labor law, the block of constitutionality and the compatibility with conventional pensions is done, deepening on the problems arising from the issuance of the aforementioned constitutional reform to better understand the lack of guarantees that the Colombian State offers its workers, excusing themselves in constitutional interpretations that do not allow forthe development of a social State of law.

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