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Importance of the dilution test in the dosage of coagulation factors XII and XI in plasma with positive lupus anticoagulant

Importance of the dilution test in the dosageof coagulation factors XII and XI in plasma with positive lupus anticoagulant

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How to Cite
Castillo, M., Oliveros, A. L., Ramos, G., Muñoz zambrano, M. E., & Mora Quimbayo, J. A. (2023). Importance of the dilution test in the dosage of coagulation factors XII and XI in plasma with positive lupus anticoagulant. NOVA, 21(41).

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Introduction. Thrombosis is associated with acquired risk factors or hypercoagulable states. Antiphospholipid antibodies are found in infectious processes or associated with arterial or venous thrombosis. Among these is the lupus anticoagulant, which is conside- red an interference inhibitor because it prolongs phospholipid-dependent tests in vitro. Objectives. To relate the activity of factor XII and XI in patients with positive lupus anti- coagulant. Methodology. Of 55 plasmas, 34 met the inclusion criteria. Factors XII and XI were dosed by metric clot methods. Samples less than 50 Ul/dl are considered low factor activity, to which the dilution test (parallelism) is performed. If a recovery greater than 15% of the factor is evidenced, it is considered interference. If, on the contrary, the result remains with little variation, it is confirmed. factor deficiency. Results. Of 34 dosages, 79.4% (27/34) presented a decrease in factor XI. A dilution test was performed, and 100% recovery of factor XI was observed; Regarding the dosage of factor XII, 29.4% (10/34) presented values below 50 IU/dl and 70.6% (24/34) normal, did not recover in 22.2% (2/9) presenting deficit. Conclusions. The study of a prolonged PTT is carried out due to suspicion of lupus anticoagulant or factor deficiency. The importance of the laboratory is that every time a decreased coagulation factor is found, plasma dilution must be done to determine if there is recovery of the factor or is a deficit of this.

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